Monday, April 06, 2009

Quick Update


The phone rang in the waiting room just after 9:00 am. Just a call to let us know that surgery was underway. The expectation is that she'll be in for three to four hours today. Much of the heavy work was done in the first procedure.

What's left, to be very basic about it, because that's all I can be, is to attach the two titanium rods to the spine. The rods attach to screws that were put into individual vertebrae last week. Today's work will be a very deliberate effort to coax the spinal column into position and attach the rods on vertebra at a time.

We are very comfortable with the team of docs and nurses on this job. Their combination of humanity and competence is on a level we've never witnessed close-up. It's a privilege, an honor, and a true gift to have access to their skills.



2PeasInAPod said...

Thanks for the update!!!!

Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers....much love being sent your way.

FlapScrap said...


mustluvdogs said...

We are all with you.