Monday, April 06, 2009

Almost Post-op



Med Student Extraordinaire and soon-to-be Resident Anjahn just came up to the waiting room lounge. They are closing at this moment. The surgery went very well, with no neurologial interruptions. Anjahn was in the operating theatre to observe. He's been closely involved with Ro throughout this process. He took phone pics during the surgery and shared them with us (no - I won't).

We are now awaiting an official briefing from the surgeons. Ro will be taken back to our old friends in PICU, where we will be able to see her very soon. This time around, she will be knocked-out cold, and will come out of anesthesia very slowly. Take your time, darlin'. More soon.


Addendum: I was wrong wrong wrong. She is awake and alert and in every bit of the same kind of pain as the first post-op. I feel horrible, because I told her to expect an easier ride. This is so so hard.

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FlapScrap said...
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