Saturday, September 20, 2008



The staff and management of TNP spent a day at Winchester's Barack-Obama-Rama.

Today, the local staff of volunteers got a turbo booster of help from a slew ... is slew too high a number? ... no, it was a straight up slew ... of new volunteers. Since volunteers in Washington D.C. had little to do because Obama is polling at 88% there (OMG, that's a slew too), they hopped a coach bus and came to Winchester. The common wisdom is that this city is staunchly Republican. Rocking the common wisdom is always fun.


Water and protein bars. The stuff of canvassing.

Organized chaos.

The propaganda table.

Virginia hasn't been in heat in over 40 years.

The local press warns the general populice .

The DC busload of what the local media called, "Democratic Operatives From Out-of-state".

Democratic Operatives From Outter Space.

Meanwhile, the McCain HQ stands silent as a tomb.

Mad props to D&K and Ro for keeping each other busy while we cavorted all day.


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