Sunday, September 14, 2008

Even A Lame Duck Can Poop All Over The Constitution


"... so I twisted his pointy head off his neck, like the cap off a Budweiser bottle."

Just four months and one week from now, the most negatively consequential US President in modern history will empty the spent juice boxes out his desk, zip up his Captain America backpack, and go the hell back to Dodge. With the Super Bowl of Elections drawing near, and all of us gathered in the living room to watch it on the Tv, it's easy to forget that George W. Bush is still in the other room with all the silverware and our car keys.

Fortunately, at least one of the people we hired to babysit is keeping an eye on the Bug Smasher in Chief. Just before the weekend started, while Anderson Cooper commandeered our attention in Galveston by wearing brand new waders and doing live shots while standing waist-deep in flood water for some reason, Senator Jim Webb (D- VA) introduced a completely unnoticed bit of legislation.

If the tool is going in, make sure it's wearing protection.

Webb's proposal provides that any new security agreement negotiated between the United States and the Government of Iraq would not remain in effect unless approved by Congress. It also calls for the United States to seek a one-year extension of the United Nations Security Council mandate of the Multi-National Force in Iraq.

Webb is no rube. He pointed out that the United States' "legal authority" to maintain troops and presence in the sovereign nation of Iraq will expire on New Years Eve, 2008. On that date, Congress will not be in session, but the outgoing President will be working the phones and the fax machine. Webb warns that the guy in the White House, whom we will have all but forgotten about while we fawn over the shiny new President-Elect, will be able to execute "a constitutional coup d'etat, a further expansion of the powers of the presidency," by signing a deal hombre al hombre between the hated US President and the more hated Iraqi Prime Minister/Puppet to the US. He will use the excuse he has used many times in the past to hopscotch right over the legislature; "I'd have consultivated with y'all, but you weren't here and it was a grave matter of national securi-tie. I have to protect the 'Merican people. 9/11."

Oh, you think he wouldn't? No. Of course you don't think that. Webb actually used the phrase, "a constitutional coup d'etat". We're still hella pissed at him over FISA, but you gotta like his style.

"At risk is a further expansion of the powers of the presidency, the result of this is to affirm in many minds that the president -- any president -- no longer needs approval of congress to enter into long-term relations with another country."
- Senator Jim Webb, Ass Kicker

Wild Streak of Weather.



FlapScrap said...

That guy does indeed kick hieney parts. What's the bill called & numbered? I want to make some calls to be sure my delegation is behind it -- especially Gordon Smith (R) who turns liberal every six years. We're going to vote him out, but maybe we can also get him to back Webb on his way out the door.

Thanks for the info -- first I've heard of it.

Keith said...

It is Amendment 5499 to the Fiscal Year 2009 National Defense Authorization Act.