Wednesday, August 27, 2008

On The Ass-ass-ination Attempt


Everybody's talking about those three stoogie guys who were arrested in Denver on drug and weapons charges. The press was crapping their Brooks Brothers trying to get details. Since I'm a bad speller and lazy as hell, I typed "assasinate" into the handy Google field on my Firefox browser, just so Google would look it up for me and politely reply with, "It's spelled 'assassinate', dumbass." I got what I was hoping for, and just below that, it said this:

Related searches: assassinate obama

Thanks, Google! V helpful. 

"Know how you can tell a crime isn't going to be successful? Crystal meth."
-Rachael Maddow, now with MSNBC,  to friends in a Denver hotel lobby.



FlapScrap said...

Nice Google search. You might be getting a knock on your door from the NSA.

LMP said...

Don't you know? The word is buttbuttinate.