Friday, August 29, 2008

My Kingdom For A Vagina


Mayor of Northern Exposure
(also played librarian in the indy film,
"Gooey Decimal System")

She's been governor of Alaska for about two years, and before that she was the mayor of a little town in Alaska. That said, what she lacks in experience she makes up for in what really matters. She's 44 years old and dammit honey looky right down there; she's packin' vag.

This is genius. Now all 18 million of the mindless female followers that voted for Hillary Clinton will have no choice but to do as their cooters command and vote for John McCain and his Vag President, Sarah Palin.

One note, Senator M: If the press asks how Palin could be ready to lead while Obama's lack of experience has been a primary focal point of attacks, remind them that you were a prisoner of war for 5 1/2 years. Oh, also, try not to refer to her the same way you've referred to Cindy in front of the press. Some chicks hate that, but what can you do? Bitches, I know, right?

Looks like the Dems are wrong. John McCain totally gets it.



FlapScrap said...

I thought her work in "Gooey Chasmal System" was sub-par compared with her portrayal of a roughneck's bored daughter in "Drillin'" and the Spring Break classic "Sex On Valdez."

Uncle Steve said...

I just heard Palin on the radio and frankly she sounded brilliant. She said something to the effect of "Isn't it fitting that I be named John McCain's running mate --nearly 88 years to the day-- after women were given the right to vote!!" Many may agree that it's totally fitting that it took "only" 88 years for a woman to be named as a vice presidential candidate. Except for the other time, 24 years ago, this is a totally historic, unprecedented event to have a WOMAN as a VICE PRESIDENTIAL candidate! HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!!

FlapScrap said...

So mccain tapped palin.

By the way, bravo to the internets: not only is a registered URL, it's got content.