Monday, May 14, 2007

So I look unemployed


I only shave when they lose.
This face ain't seen a razor since
Friday morning, toots!

Op Retardulous is a stunning success!

~~~K. Provost~~~


FlapScrap said...

You only shave when they lose? So, when they WIN, you skip the showers. When they LOSE, you clean up. Like, cleaning up is your way of sharing the hurt when they lose. Huh.

What do you do if they win the world series, run up a lot of debt, set your house ablaze and run into the fire with the cat in your arms?

Keith said...

"What do you do if they win the world series, run up a lot of debt, set your house ablaze and run into the fire with the cat in your arms?"

I don't think they're going to win the World Series. If they did, I don't think they'd do all that other stuff.