Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Winchester Is My Town


If you zoom in on Virginia's northwestern area, you see a sea of red, as has been the case for many years. But if you turbo-zoom in to the city of Winchester, you'll see a patch of blue:

Obama - 4400
McCain - 4107

In 2004, the numbers in Winchester looked like this:

Bush/Cheney Republican 5,283 56.55%
Kerry/Edwards Democratic 3,967 42.46%

We tried to flip Frederick County while we were at it, but while we made an 8% swing in the county numbers, the flip didn't happen. It don't matter now. It will forever be my honor to have worked alongside about a hundred people who worked so hard to turn Winchester blue. Jason, Reggie, Alexandra, Bethany, Janet, Evan, Scott, Mary Bruce, Phoebe, Bill, Other Bill, and all the people who's names I don't know, but who's faces I'll always remember. Thank you, one and all. I look forwarding to working the re-election campaign with you in 2012. For now, I'm going to get some sleep.


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