Monday, November 03, 2008

Update On The Rogue Chicken Situation


Early this morning, the staff and management of TNP went out to la área del pollo with a foreboding disquietude. Expecting to stumble upon the feathered remains of refugee chickens, we were pleasantly startled to find all three of them lined-up and patiently waiting for us. We simply opened the coop door and watched them eagerly jump inside. After our reckless inaction of two nights ago, and all-out abandonment last night, these ladies were leaving nothing to chance this morning. Some folks think chickens are dumb, but they're not. They're trusting and sometimes maybe a little bit beguiled, but if you screw them over two times in a row, if you leave them out in the cold, they'll do whatever they have to do to come home to roost.


1 comment:

FlapScrap said...

Where had they been, across the road?