Monday, November 17, 2008

Branding Is Alive and Well


Arianna, of Huffington Post® was just talking with Bill Mahr, of HBO's Real Time®, on MSNBC's Rachael Maddow Show®, and she says The Guardian®, of the UK, is reporting that Hillary Clinton® will, in fact, accept the position of US Secretary of State. Just remember, you heard it here on The Nationals Post®, first.



LMP said...

Actually I heard it from Jeremiah yesterday morning, who heard it on NPR and then saw the link to the Guardian story on FARK, but thanks!

Keith said...

Ed. note: TNP reported it on Nov. 17th. You are commenting on Nov. EIGHTEENTH. It is not our problem that you FAIL to monitor TNP closely enough.

FlapScrap said...

What's NattyPo's position on what Salon said about MSNBC reporting the Drudge story Politico retracted? Chop-chop -- this is no time for journalists to get lazy.