Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bethesda Is Shovel Ready


Hey I know stuff breaks when it gets cold outside. Water mains are no exception. This, however, is the kind of infrastructure failure that is shameful. We're supposed to be the most mighty country in the world. The coming administration is looking for projects that are "shovel ready" to get funded immediately and create some new j.o.b.s. This approach is already being called a handout by guys on talk radio. Here's exciting video of this morning's water main break on [irony] River Road [/irony]. When you're finished watching it, think about how many houses and businesses a 5.5 foot water main feeds. All those buildings are presently without water for who knows how long. Mad props to the swiftwater and technical rescue teams working that scene.

It was 16 degrees in Bethesda when this video was shot.

CNN Anchordork to fire dept spokesman: "I would assume that some of these folks in the cars are wet. Uhhh, are you worried about hypothermia?"



Uncle Steve said...

Anchordork - that's funny. I'm sure those victims are smart enough to leave the heat running. Some of the fancy cars even have seat warmers. I love those.

FlapScrap said...

I like to turn on the seat warmer before I go thru the Popeye's and put my chicken and beans on it. Speaking of shovel ready!

LMP said...

"are they working on getting the water main turned off?"

That guy should quit his news job and take up rescue work.