Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Maybe it's our turn to piss away the division lead


The Nats bought Paul Lo Duca from the Mets for $5 mil, and then he went and popped his 35 year-old, juiced-up knee. We sure hope he finds a way to heal quickly after the surgery.

2007 file photo. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File / AP)

Medical imaging of Paul Lo Duca's knee

So ... they bought Johnny Estrada, who was traded to the Mets in the off season.

4 seasons, 4 teams. Johnny E - MLB Lot Lizard

If Estrada gets hurt, they're gonna have to buy back Brian Schneider ... from the Mets

Photo by Matthew Girard-Washingtonian. In real life, Brian's more colorful.

The Nationals treat the Mets like their own personal Target. Cincinnati is Wal-Mart.

Target - The Gettin' Place.



Uncle Steve said...

Well I sure do love Target, but, can you tell me where I can get one of those Paul Lo Duca's knee? Just looking at it is making me hungry.

LMP said...

Target will be hearing from my attorney regarding their insinuatuion about what, EXACTLY, they "target"