Monday, November 12, 2007

Nationals Float


Now that the hottest action in MLB is the vote for Blooper of the Year, the staff and management of TNP is going on an international excursion in a wee tiny boat.

We will head for London this week. From Heathrow*, we will board a bus, or trolley, or skipjack - whatever they call them over there - and head to Gatwick.
Call it tourist dumpster hopping.

At Gatwick, we will meet up with a fine English gentleman of good seasoning who is flying in from Malta. You youngsters know Malta from the swell crosses worn by those fire fighter guys for some reason.

Home of the venerated milk ball

Post-pleasantries, we will board an aeroplane and head south to the Canary Islands. After the initial diplomatic gestures of exchanging gifts and smallpox with the natives, we will meet up with three more men; Two Dutchmen and one from the dark side of Pluto.

The purpose of all this scurrying about the planet is to board a small catamaran and sail it across the Deep Blue Sea. No really.

I will try try try to post updates on our off-season adventure ... if the seas are kind and the satelite uplink works. WATCH THIS SPACE.

* Exploding trash bin free for 10,956 days



LMP said...

Nice pictures. I'll be here working. I hate you.

Anonymous said...

Good thing you're announcing this.
Otherwise, 20 days from now someone at work might say "Has Keith been in lately?"


Keith said...

Someone still will (glacing subtly to your right).

niabw said...

Sorry about the witch, love.