Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Something Fishy Going On Out There....Early This Morning

Well, I know I am not supposed to be writing here, but what is he (Keith) going to do? It will be weeks before he even knows that I have pirated his blog. I was worried that you, his faithful readers, would be concerned that there has been no new news. According to the "Fleet Viewer", our sailors have not moved an inch, which is impossible without being able to anchor. Upon closer inspection, it looks more serious than that. I have been to the website just now and it appears as though the ARC boats are time traveling. If you look at the posted date, the boats are now in the year 2080. I wonder what it is like there. I wonder if they can get back to 2007. As soon as I have something new, I will share it. Ellen, not the boat scribe.


FlapScrap said...

What a fantastic opportunity! If you talk to 2080 Keith, ask him what the speed limit is.

Unknown said...

Have the Giants made a Superbowl appearance yet?