Monday, April 28, 2008

Make a little noise for the military boys


Chances are, your congressman and/or senator says (s)he's all for supporting the troops. It's an easy thing to say, because The Troops are not a political entity. There's no controversy in saying rah-rah-rah for the troops. They're mostly great people doing hard things for their government - which is all of us.

Please take a few minutes and watch this home movie, shot by the father of a veteran with two 15 month deployments to the nether regions of Afghanistan on his resumé. Then, if you're ok with having your tax dollars go to fund improvements to Ft. Bragg, take a few minutes to fire off a letter to one of those guys screaming about lapel pins. If nothing else, it'll give the bumper sticker on your car a little street cred.


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