Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First Pitch


POTUS and the great Willie Mays at the 2009 All-Star Game in St. Louis, where the unemployment rate was 8.8% in May

(AP) ... Filled with pride on the night of a historic election that made Obama the nation's first black president, Willie Mays said he stayed up until 7 or 8 o'clock the next morning.

"I reminded him that I cried for most of the night in Chicago," said Mays, still emotional as he spoke about that night eight months ago.

"So that tells me all the things I went through, it was for good things," said Mays, who wore an orange-trimmed, black Giants baseball cap with his suit. "So I'm just proud of him, you know. He may be proud of something else. But I'm proud of him, what he stands for.

Mays said his one bit of advice to Obama for the night's pitch was:

"Follow through."

All photos Associated Press


LMP said...

Excellent advice, Mr. Mays.

FlapScrap said...

And wear one glove. Just one glove.

Anonymous said...

Old news. Old news, now.
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